This document is an application form for employment at X-Opportunities. Individuals use letters of employment to verify their source of income when completing rental, career and loan applications.Tips on applying for confidential job posts on job boards such as Workopolis, Monster, or Craigslist. Highly organized and detail-oriented Confidential Secretary with extensive experience providing administrative support. Highly organized and detail-oriented Confidential Secretary with extensive experience providing administrative support. The early voting clerk retains all information in the Confidential Voter Registration Form and Early Voting Ballot Application. Applying to a federal job is not like applying to one in the private sector. Application for Judicial Branch Federal Employment, Human Resources Forms. AO 83, Summons in a Criminal Case, Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms. This paper is meant to provide basic information regarding state laws that may result in criminal or personal liability for city officials.