A partition action enables you to force the sale of property when coowners are refusing to sell. The Partition of Real Property Act and UPHPA basically allow the other parties to the lawsuit to buy out the plaintiff as a first option.Partitions sales and foreclosure sales are two different ways that a property can be sold. The document is a partition agreement between two parties to terminate their community ownership of a parcel of land and divide it between them. We have provided free online forms for partition actions that should only be used in conjunction with a partition attorney in California. Historically, co-owners can force the sale of a property through an action for partition. In other words, any co-owner can force the sale of the property. Super Lawyers Rated Partition Attorneys in Hayward. Ending Co-Ownership Disputes in Alameda County. A partition lawsuit can be pretty difficult to stop, though it is not impossible with help from an experienced property dispute lawyer.