When co-owners of real property in Pennsylvania cannot agree on the management or sale of the property, a court can order a Partition of the property. The document is a partition agreement between two parties to terminate their community ownership of a parcel of land and divide it between them.Learn what you need to know about partition actions in Pennsylvania, then reach out to my firm for steadfast legal support. A partition action is a lawsuit in which a court determines whether a property with two or more owners is to be partitioned or sold. Find useful forms for property assessments, real estate property and deeds, Military Discharge (DD214) requests, and more. In a partition in kind (also called a physical partition), the property is physically divided in half and each party gets an equal share. Exemption of Property on Premises Under Lease or. Sale Contract Subject to a Security Interest. These forms will assist you with property assessments, filing deeds and obtaining a certified copy of military discharge papers. Arm of A Building Inspector Filling in A Form.