Learn About How to Enforce a Property Settlement Agreement in Arizona from the Experienced Arizona Divorce Attorneys at Hildebrand Law, PC. If you go to the internet site US Legal Forms and enter Arizona and look for Partition of property you will find a form you can use.In Arizona, courts are willing to allow parents to reach their own agreements as to child custody in almost all circumstances. A deed, patent or contract for the sale or transfer of real. 5 property in which an agency or representative of the United States, this. Get all your most pressing Arizona divorce questions answered. Learn when, how, and why you need to exercise your options. No, but it cannot transform without something more. You and your spouse can still work out an agreement for dividing community property upon divorce, even without a prenuptial agreement. While defining what happens in the event of a divorce, a prenuptial agreement can also help a couple approach their marriage more smoothly.