I am in need for sample partition agreement document which I can use as a template, I appreciate your assistance. The document is a partition agreement between two parties to terminate their community ownership of a parcel of land and divide it between them.If you go to the internet site US Legal Forms and enter Arizona and look for Partition of property you will find a form you can use. This publication explains tax rules that apply if you are divorced or separated from your spouse. Petitioning to partition is a legal right and the process starts with filing a petition with the Clerk of Court. Petition rules vary from state to state. The following is a compendium of state and local laws that affect domestic violence survivors' housing rights. This instrument relates to a PARTITION AGREEMENT of a parcel of land subdivided into _________________ lots and consists of THREE (3) pages including this page. Get pricing info for the Azure Service Bus, a cloud-based messaging system. Petitioning to partition is a legal right and the process starts with filing a petition with the Clerk of Court.