The Bexar County Clerk's Office Recordings Division files, records, and maintains Real Property Records, Personal Property Records, Notice of Trustee Sales. A joint owner or a claimant of real property or an interest in real property may bring an action to partition the property or interest in a district court.I have a question on how ownership works, no just asking questions, bexar county texas, I can ask once connected. Texas law will not force reluctant joint owners of real estate to maintain joint ownership. Cotenants have an absolute right of partition. Most states will utilize both methods. Benson argued that the conduct of the parties, in placing the mobile homes in the center of the lot in close proximity to one another, and in. Texas law provides each co-owner of real property with an absolute right to have their property partitioned through a forced judicial sale. In this video, Land Rights Law Attorney Philip Hundl talks about the land partition process in Texas in a presentation to the Wharton County Bar Association. Call or text 8009291725 for an appointment.