Complaint fill in. PDF. Complaint fill in long.The document is a partition agreement between two parties to terminate their community ownership of a parcel of land and divide it between them. Voluntary Partition: Coowners mutually agree to divide the property without court intervention. If your inheritance includes NY real estate that you co-own with someone else, you may need a partition action to force the sale of the property. In New York, you cannot directly force the other party to sell their half of the property unless you negotiate a voluntary sale agreement. This document is a deed of partition agreement with sale between co-owners of a parcel of land. Plaintiff alleges that he and Mr. Kishner filled out a franchise agreement to operate a Weichert Realty Office franchise (Compl. See Form TP-584-I, Instructions for Form TP-584, before completing this form. Intheblanks form authorizing a filing agent to efile documents on behalf of an individual attorney.