These instructions have been prepared to assist you in the process of incorporating a not-for-profit corporation pursuant to the NPCL. These checklists provide details on what is needed for each stage of the registration and reimbursement process.Find information on annual reporting and filing using Form 990 returns, and applying and maintaining taxexempt status. This website contains a collection of forms and precedent legal documents relating to nonprofit organizations. Organizations seeking exemption from New Jersey Sales and Use Tax must complete all steps of the REG-1E application. We are delighted to submit this Action Memo to Mayor Adams and Comptroller Lander on behalf of the Joint Task Force to Get Nonprofits Paid On Time. Form W9 is a tax document that your nonprofit uses to request tax information from contractors. Community based organizations were "thoroughly involved" in the youth program delivery. Simply fill in the appropriate information in the space provided. If you chose to type your own documents use the exact format shown for the blank documents.