Forms ; ADOPT-230, Adoption Expenses ; ADOPT-310, Contact After Adoption Agreement ; ADOPT-315, Request to: Enforce, Change, End Contact After Adoption Agreement. Where can I get a building permit, or find out information about development services?The document is a partition agreement between two parties to terminate their community ownership of a parcel of land and divide it between them. Make three sets of forms that include copies of your property settlement agreement and a copy of your Joint. Senate Bill 1439 will make substantial changes to the Levine Act, primarily in the area of local governmental officials' ability to accept campaign donations. The mission of the Contra Costa Community College District is to attract students and communities, to cultivate a. In another study, Lunderberg et al. Contract Equity Program: (a). 1. Benzene Benzene is an aromatic hydrocarbon that is present as a gas in both exhaust and evaporative emissions from mobile sources.