A marital property partition is an agreement between spouses that allows them to convert community property into the separate property of one spouse. Under the Texas Family Code, at any point in time, the spouses may exchange or partition their community property however they want.A partition and exchange agreement is one standard method for married couples to legally divide community assets in a way that is similar to legal separation. Forms ; ADOPT-230, Adoption Expenses ; ADOPT-310, Contact After Adoption Agreement ; ADOPT-315, Request to: Enforce, Change, End Contact After Adoption Agreement. How do I file a partition action? Details about spouses partitioning or exchanging community property between themselves are in the Texas Family Code section 4.102. Plaintiffs allege that there was and is no written agreement between. Plaintiff chose to end the telephone conference (hung up on Defense counsel) without complying with the. In times of stability and relatively high growth, policy should lean in the coun- tercyclical direction. These and the nature of the exhibit you will fill out.