The use of a Qualified Intermediary is essential to completing a successful IRC §1031 Tax Deferred Exchange. To meet the requirements of the Qualified Intermediary (QI) safe harbor, there must be a written exchange agreement between the Taxpayer and the QI.If you make a deferred exchange using a qualified intermediary. The seller should assign its rights in the purchase agreement to the Qualified Intermediary only as it relates to the real property. The use of a Qualified Intermediary is essential to completing a successful IRC §1031 tax deferred exchange. Investment. A common live chat question we see is "Can I change my Qualified Intermediary during a 1031 Exchange? " Generally, the answer is no, but why? Discover essential tips for finding a qualified intermediary for your 1031 exchange agreement. Seller's rights and obligations under this and future agreements will be assigned to a qualified intermediary for the purpose of completing the exchange. If you make a deferred exchange using a qualified intermediary.