Texas courts are required to partition property even if only one co-owner makes such a request, and the courts have no wiggle room or discretion. If you are seeking legal assistance with a partition, consulting a partition lawyer in Dallas can help clarify your options and guide you through the process.A partition action is brought when there is more than one owner of a property and the owners cannot agree with respect to the disposition of the property. My question is that if we do the partition agreement, how do we update the deed? Do we do a quitclaim or special warranty? Part of divorce is deciding who gets what. ONDA Family Law specializes in fair and honest property division for our clients in Texas. This is a document through which the parties agree that particular property will be "separate property" and will not be divided. Step 6: Fill out the Final Decree of Divorce and other ending forms. A premarital agreement provides for some certainty upon divorce or separation such that property can be quickly and easily settled in a divorce.