Fill out our contact form or call us today at (703) 520-9533 to learn how we can help. Thank you for filling out our form!Someone from our office will be in contact with you shortly. Fairfax, VA property division lawyers will strive for a favorable property settlement agreement. Please call us at 703-591-0200 for an appointment. The Fairfax County, Virginia, divorce attorneys of Arquilla Law assist couples in dividing property and debt for fair property settlements. We are experienced in all aspects of the property and debt division process, and we have an extensive network of professionals with whom we work. A PSA is a contract that delineates the separation requirements necessary to secure a divorce in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Virginia divorce laws identify what property may be subject to equitable distribution between the two of you, and what property may remain separate. Instead, the court will decide what is a fair division of property.