For a free, 15-minute consultation with experienced partition attorney at Partition Lawyer California, call (415) 966-3300 or fill out a contact form online. The original Complaint must be filed with the Civil Intake Section located on the 3rd floor of the Fairfax County Courthouse.Explore expert real estate partition and allotment legal services at Moghul Law. One original executed and notarized deed of bargain and sale (the. "Deed"), substantially in the form attached to this Agreement as Exhibit B, together with any. A partition action enables you to force the sale of property when coowners are refusing to sell. Percentage for the property group as described above in the example. Completing The Upper Level Are Two More Sizable Bedrooms And A Fully Renovated Hall Bathroom. No matter who you are, all assets held in your estate pass in the order of priority shown in the asset transfer pyramid; to-wit: 1. Title;. Do not use the signing option when filling out the forms.