Florida law requires that notices to and from a landlord must be in writing and must be either hand-delivered or mailed, even if the rental agreement is oral. Documents like ownership proof, land records, a land map, a property valuation, and tax declarations are necessary when bringing a property division case.The Law Office of Steven D Fichtman is skilled in negotiating and drafting property division agreements. Mr. Fichtman listens to your needs and work. A partition action is a lawsuit between co-owners of real property who cant agree as to any aspect of the management of the property. Learn which property gets divided in a Florida divorce and how judges decide on a fair distribution of a couple's assets and debts. Under Florida divorce law, an "equitable distribution" of the marital assets and liabilities is required. A partition is essentially a forced sale of the real property. One owner seeks court approval to sell the property against the wishes of the other owner. A property settlement agreement becomes a legally binding part of the final judgment when your marriage is officially dissolved.