When one party refuses to sell, the party wanting to opt-out of ownership can file a Petition to Partition. If your inheritance includes NY real estate that you co-own with someone else, you may need a partition action to force the sale of the property.The partition doors in the Conference center are removable and set up as needed. Pursuant to Tennessee law, every cotenant retains an absolute right to partition real estate he or she holds in common with others. EFiling is currently available in all Probate and Family Court divisions, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. If the parties on a deed decide that they cannot own the property together, they can file a lawsuit asking the court to partition the real estate. When two or more owners cannot agree on the disposition of the property in question, any of the owners can file a partition action in the appropriate court. A nonconforming use is a use that is not permitted in the zoning district where the building or use is located. This is the legal process of dividing the property between the joint owners. Below is a selection of forms for various Franklin County Courts.