This is a list of some of the most common document types. There are many other types of documents for real estate and liens.The Fulton County County Clerk's Office manages DMV and various records. These include: Assignments, Business Certificates, DBA Applications, Deeds, Discharges. For any deed to be recorded, one must have the deed witnessed and notarized. Fill in the blank Full Release of Memorandum and Notice of Agreement form formatted to comply with all Arkansas recording and content requirements. 2. Notarized Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement. 3. If property has been redeemed, a copy of the recorded Quit Claim Deed. This Donation Agreement (the "Agreement") for certain real property located at 2916 FULTON. LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF FULTON COUNTY AND from ADESA INC filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.