When two or more people own the same property, one of the owners CAN force a sale of the jointly owned property via a partition action or lawsuit. Leading Georgia real estate lawyers shares his insight about filing partition action claim in the State of Georgia.A partition action allows both parties to receive their proportion of an equity in a property fairly, justly, and legally. A marital property partition is an agreement between spouses that allows them to convert community property into the separate property of one spouse. If an agreement is successfully negotiated, a probate lawyer can help with drawing up a legally binding contract for both parties to sign. The goal of a partition action is to take a jointly owned property and separate the legal interest of the coowners into individual interests. A property settlement agreement becomes a legally binding part of the final judgment when your marriage is officially dissolved. Chief Justice Thomas has the knowledge and skills to resolve simple to complex disputes in a calm, straightforward, and deliberate manner. If you're looking to remove your name, you must fill out the quitclaim form, using the same name found on the title deed. The GPO Style Manual will be distributed to libraries in the Federal Depository.