This page contains all of the Family Law court case forms that the Clerk's Office provides. (2) You have no minor children, no support issues, and have filed a written settlement agreement disposing of all financial issues; or.Under Florida divorce law, an "equitable distribution" of the marital assets and liabilities is required. Follow the procedure set forth in the Supplemental Appendix of Forms for completing and serving a Notice of Settlement. The court may award a cash payment from one party to the other to balance out assets and liabilities. If the Court finds that it is unable to enforce the agreement, then you may have to file a new lawsuit for Breach of Contract. May not help me fill in the form and may not complete the form for me. No, the property does not have to be auctioned off in a partition lawsuit. Who Keeps The Pets in a Divorce? Under Florida divorce law, the court will not allow for any time-sharing orders of pets.