This instrument relates to a PARTITION AGREEMENT of a parcel of land subdivided into _________________ lots and consists of THREE (3) pages including this page. How to fill out the Illinois Waiver of Lien Form Submission Guide?Summary of Illinois Lien Waiver requirements and laws for Illinois construction projects including free forms, FAQs, resources and more. How do I fill out the Waiver of Lien form? A property settlement agreement becomes a legally binding part of the final judgment when your marriage is officially dissolved. Under this statutory provision, an effective release or waiver of homestead rights requires the consent of both spouses. How do I fill this out? Filling out the Illinois Waiver of Lien is a straightforward process. The right can be used at any time even if it's not referenced in a contract. IICLE offers Illinois lawyers effective practice guidance and CLE credit in a variety of formats.