The referee will complete the form at the auction, and deliver the signed form to the court clerk, who will subsequently provide it to the County Clerk. A partition action enables you to force the sale of property when coowners are refusing to sell.__ Make three sets of forms that include copies of your property settlement agreement and a copy of your Joint. The court has placed the most commonly used forms on line as a resource. Please be advised that the forms detailed below are intended to be a guide. Partition Addendum (840P) A fill-in-the-blanks RJI Partition Addendum. Uncontested Matrimonial RJI (UD-13) A fill-in-the-blanks Uncontested Matrimonial RJI. A partition action is a legal mechanism commonly used when two or more coowners of a property cannot agree on what to do with the property. Family Settlement Agreement. It follows the same format as a partition deed.