In a partition action, one owner of a property files suit against another and asks that the property be divided up or sold and the money split. A partition is a division of the interest in property.It can be a voluntary partition, where the parties agree to divide the property and negotiate a contract. A partition action enables you to force the sale of property when coowners are refusing to sell. The owner who no longer wants ownership of the property can ask the court to force a sale in lieu of partition. When two or more people own the same property, one of the owners CAN force a sale of the jointly owned property via a partition action or lawsuit. The Maryland sale in lieu of partition attorney at Lusk Law, LLC can help you with any property disputes you might have with a co-owner. Filing a complaint for partition of real property is the best way to show your uncooperative coowner that you are serious about selling the property. The document is a partition agreement between two parties to terminate their community ownership of a parcel of land and divide it between them. If you and your spouse cannot agree on how to divide your property, the court will decide what is marital property and how much that property is worth.