Confidentiality clauses in settlement agreements are the rule these days. Read about the ethical and practical issues of confidential settlement agreements.Agreements to keep settlement results confidential are common in the resolution of commercial or business disputes. The same principle may apply to the admission of settlement negotiations in agency proceedings at the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD). Both defendants and plaintiffs must agree on confidentiality clauses and sign them before the settlement is complete. A sample agreement settling a dispute and releasing claims between two or more parties under Massachusetts law. Some provisions in a Settlement Agreement include indemnification and confidentiality clauses, in addition to what is included in the general Release. Relationship Description: Ember Gardens Holdings LLC has an ownership interest in the applicant and exercises direct authority. The Di- gest contains a table of the Final Orders and a subject index for the complete set of BOLT ORDERS volumes. , Investor Relations, 225 Franklin St, 17 th Floor, Suite 1700, Boston MA 02110.