The parties must sign this Separation Agreement in the presence of a Notary Public if they are filing a Joint Petition for Divorce (1A). If persons interested assent, complete the following: We, being persons interested, assent to this petition.Signature: Signature: Print name: Print name:. When two or more people own the same property, one of the owners CAN force a sale of the jointly owned property via a partition action or lawsuit. The applicant and his or her former spouse's place of domicile at the time of the divorce is important in determining whether the court had jurisdiction. 3. The following is a compendium of state and local laws that affect domestic violence survivors' housing rights. The purpose of this provision is to permit each parent to know in advance of the existence of individuals who may become significant in the Children's lives. The intent must be clear and the act must be complete. To abandon a homestead one must leave with the intention of never returning. The following two-volume report is intended solely as guidance to EPA and other environmental professionals.