A deed is a document required for any transfer of property ownership or interest between two parties. The steps outlined below will walk you through how to personally fill out a Michigan quit claim deed form through the Register of Deeds.Deeds are the documents that legally transfer property interests. There are a few types of deeds that convey title, depending upon your jurisdiction. Contract for Deed: Agreement between buyer and seller of real property, setting forth the price and terms of the sale. Deeds in Michigan are defined as any legal instrument that conveys ownership interest in an asset to a new owner. A land contract is a contract between a buyer and private seller for real property that has a home on it. A covenant in real estate, also known as a property covenant, is a binding agreement between two or more parties on the usage of a property. A Michigan quitclaim deed is a legal document that lets a property owner transfer ownership to another party without needing a title search. The Office of Wayne County Register of Deeds records various types of documents, mostly relating to interests and transfers of property.