The purpose of this chapter shall be to provide rules, regulations and standards to guide land subdivision and site development in the Borough of Middlesex. Under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 241, Section 1, anyone who owns an undivided piece of land that is not subject to other claims may seek a partition.The Middlesex County Office of Planning is responsible for reviewing all development proposals (ie, subdivision and site plan applications) A commissioner having a warrant for sale in a partition proceeding must comply with the warrant. The purpose of this chapter shall be to provide rules, regulations and standards to guide land subdivision and site development in the. No person, corporation, association, or partnership shall subdivide any tract of land located within. The Middlesex South registered land section currently retains all documents that are registered, including the original deed. Other associated equipment, must be removed from the property and disposed of in a legal manner. 15C-5. Small System Setbacks and Yard Requirements. To view multiple pages in plans, use the "Unindexed Property Search" tab, choose "plans," then fill in the book and page number that you need.