A partition agreement divides, or partitions, a married couple's community estate into two separate estates. This is a document through which the parties agree that particular property will be "separate property" and will not be divided.A marital property partition is an agreement between spouses that allows them to convert community property into the separate property of one spouse. Petitioning to partition is a legal right and the process starts with filing a petition with the Clerk of Court. Petition rules vary from state to state. In the dissolved form is calculated using a partition coefficient. In the dissolved form is calculated using a partition coefficient. Facilities shipping regulated articles must be done either under a compliance agreement or a limited permit (USDA APHIS PPQ 2010). Marked differences in root zone fluxes in a north-facing juniper (Ju- niperus monosperma) and south-facing creosote (Larrea tridentata) ecosystems were found.