NRS 39.160 Judgment not to affect tenants for years to whole property. That Court further held that that the Defendants violated the terms of the Consent.A consent judgment is essentially a settlement agreement that gets filed with the court as a judgment against you in a certain amount. The defendant must consent on the record or in writing before a case is referred to a settlement conference. A partition action enables you to force the sale of property when coowners are refusing to sell. In this article, we discuss the various defenses afforded to insurers in the fifty states, and courts' treatment of the most common arguments as to why consent. There are different judgments that can be entered in a debt collection lawsuit, including a consent judgment. 4. Any indispensable party may petition the court for an order approving a nonjudicial settlement agreement under the procedure set forth in NRS 164.015. The parties settled. The district court granted plaintiff's motion to reduce the settlement agreement to judgment.