Most Court documents are provided as PDF files. To view or print these files you need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader or other PDF reader.If the coowners are not able to resolve their dispute via settlement, the court will ultimately order a partition in a manner described above. Super Lawyers Rated Partition Attorneys in Oakland. Ending Co-Ownership Disputes in Alameda County. The Complaint for Partition Action is typed up in a specific legal format where each line is numbered, called pleading paper. ANAND LAW represents co-owners of real estate in partition actions in Oakland, and throughout California. These forms must be submitted within 24 hours, whenever a primarily-formed committee (such as The Oakland. Most court documents are provided as PDF files. For a free, 15-minute consultation with experienced partition attorney at Partition Lawyer California, call (510) 999-3300 or fill out a contact form online.