The document is a partition agreement between two parties to terminate their community ownership of a parcel of land and divide it between them. Thus, for example, subdivision (i) effects no change in the form of the summons, or the issuance of separate or additional summons, or the amendment of service.1. Bureau of the First Assistant Postmaster General. 4. Division of Post Office Service. 4. This guidance document sets forth recommended approaches based on EPA's best thinking to date with respect to soil screening. For that report, I summarized data from the HRBMP to support characterizations of Riverwide distribution patterns of relative abundance and. Organization's Guideline G2, establishing design specifications for in-line sampling. I am in need for sample partition agreement document which I can use as a template, I appreciate your assistance. As used in this Tariff, the following terms, whether or not capitalized, shall have the meanings ascribed below: As used herein:.