A partition action enables you to force the sale of property when coowners are refusing to sell. 1978)(homestead rights may be waived in a premarital agreement).A partition lawsuit can be pretty difficult to stop, though it is not impossible with help from an experienced property dispute lawyer. The commissioners appointed to partition property shall grant a nonexclusive access easement on a tract of partitioned property. A joint owner or a claimant of real property or an interest in real property may bring an action to partition the property or interest in a district court. When co-owners of real property in Pennsylvania cannot agree on the management or sale of the property, a court can order a Partition of the property. Cannot Waive Rights in Contract. Generally, Pennsylvania prohibits lien waivers in the contract or in advance of payment. Not a partition of the property or an agreement waiving rights granted under this act. Exemption for the purchase of any items qualifying for exemption under this Agreement.