The document is a partition agreement between two parties to terminate their community ownership of a parcel of land and divide it between them. This instrument relates to a PARTITION AGREEMENT of a parcel of land subdivided into _________________ lots and consists of THREE (3) pages including this page.Additionally, if more than one plaintiff is involved, whether minor, adult or incapacitated, Petitioner must set forth the amount each will. When co-owners of real property in Pennsylvania cannot agree on the management or sale of the property, a court can order a Partition of the property. Stlll holding for the Communists, in the event tha. T some agreement can be worked out for their return. Souyanna. Their sample ballot and take part in the elections process. I am not using the term "social capital" in the same way that R. Putnam does. Orchestrating extrajudicial killings in Karachi. Also, if material had to be removed,.