A property settlement agreement is an agreement between the spouses on how to divide the marital assets but this agreement cannot be filed with the Court. The divorce and family lawyers at my AZ Lawyers offer insight into how property division works during a Tucson divorce and what you should be aware of.Real Property Services directs and administers the real property function for Pima County departments and the Regional Flood Control District. 33-1314. Terms and conditions of rental agreement; contact information; property; pets. Arizona law provides a process in which an owner of property can request a division or sale of the property. This process is called a partition action. Fill out the contact form or call us at (520) 284-2525 to schedule your free 30 minute case evaluation. If you are unable to pay the filing fees, you have options. Go to the Fee Waiver and Deferral page to find out more. You choose to move out before the lease is over, you must still pay the rent until the lease ends or a new renter signs an agreement to rent the property.