A partition action enables you to force the sale of property when coowners are refusing to sell. As a quick summary, the Partition of Real Property Act is a law specific to California, passed in July 2022.This is a document through which the parties agree that particular property will be "separate property" and will not be divided. In an action to partition real property, the property shall be partitioned under this chapter unless all of the cotenants otherwise agree in a record. A partition lawsuit can be pretty difficult to stop, though it is not impossible with help from an experienced property dispute lawyer. Partition is the legal term referring to division of real property interests among co-owners (tenants in common). Our partition attorneys in California can help resolve real estate co-ownership disputes that have arisen due to a variety of frustrating situations. Partition is common when co-owners cannot agree on what to do with the property. Usually it ends up with the property being sold. After they're married, they are supposed to treat each other fairly.