This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the respective Parties hereto. The relationship of County and Contractor under this Agreement shall be that of an independent contractor status.A contractual agreement is a legally binding agreement between two parties. Click here to see examples, review 8 types, and learn how to write in 2023. A contract is formed when there is (1) an agreement; (2) for exchange of value; and (3) sufficient terms. A letter agreement is a written legal document that is made between two parties who want a simple way to make their discussions of a transaction official. Any contracted rental of the Property prior to or after. In the first section, you need to provide the details of the parties involved in the agreement. "Serving papers" means delivering a copy of the papers you file with the court to the other parties in your case. Non-procurement contracts are defined as all agreements and contracts that are between two parties that do not include the expenditure of funds.