To initiate a partition action, the petitioner must file a complaint with the appropriate court that describes the property involved. Where an agreement and a voluntary partition is not possible, the parties must file a partition action to obtain a ruling from a court.Resubdivision requires that all the parcels involved still meet the minimum zoning dimension and density regulations as listed in Table 407-1 of the UDO. A property owner shall file a certified public disclosure statement with the Director of the Division of Real Property Acquisition and Management. If your inheritance includes NY real estate that you co-own with someone else, you may need a partition action to force the sale of the property. Article 14 of the New York Real Property law shall not apply to property purchased at auction. 7. Please print or type. Schedule A Information Relating to Conveyance. When we buy or sell property, we of course will reach out to them. We highly recommend this law firm, and encourage others to contact them for any legal needs.