Under the statute, these types of agreements are void unless the employee requests confidentiality. HB 55 prohibits retaliation against an employee who refuses to sign a confidentiality agreement that prohibits disclosure about sexual assault or harassment.The purpose of the disclosures is to ensure that both parties have full access to relevant financial and other information needed to begin preparing for trial. The terms "Husband" and "Wife" have no correlation to the person's gender and are solely used to identify the individual to the local court. Complying with Utah's House Bill 55: Drafting enforceable nondisclosure and nondisparagement clauses in employment and severance agreements. Plaintiff has filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of. Utah titled Aimee Morrison vs. In the United States, property settlement agreements are usually referred to as "marital settlement contracts" or "divorce arrangements. Are the discussions confidential? How do attorneys ensure confidentiality of mediation?