Chapter 7.52 RCW PARTITION Sections NOTES: Real property and conveyances: Title 64 RCW. Termination of condominium: RCW 64.34.268.An attorney would draft a complaint for partition and file it with clerk of the civil court clerk in the county where the property is situated. A tenant in common has the absolute statutory right to a partition of real property. However, a partition dispute can involve complex legal issues. A partition action enables you to force the sale of property when coowners are refusing to sell. In Washington state, if multiple persons hold property, each person has the freedom to partition the land if they desire to no longer co-own it. I want to find out the approximate costs associated with fully completed petition for order of partition. Have handy a copy of the Complaint to End a Committed Intimate Relationship and Divide. Property any Response when you fill this out.