The Service Dog Identification Tag Application should be completed and submitted to: Contra Costa Animal Services, 4800 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553. Use this form to request pickup of a deceased animal located in the public right of way or on public property.Contra Costa County Animal Services has written a new "City-County Services Agreement. Yes, call the Engineering Services Coordinator at 925-688-8013 as soon as you know a change in the location or size of your service. APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the District 3 Supervisor to execute, on behalf of the County, an agreement among the County, the Bethel. In the coming years Contra Costa faces a number of opportunities, as well as numerous challenges. Contra Costa Animal Services, Martinez, California. ADA-mandated paratransit is meant to provide an equivalent level of service as fixed- route transit. Map LAFCO 2207 Out of Agency Service Agreement Contra Costa County Fire Protection. District and City of Pinole. Attachments. 1.