New Clients, Please complete before booking Dog Walking or Pet Sitting services in Contra Costa County and El Dorado County. The typical House Calls Professional Pet Services: Feeding and fresh water for the pet(s).Dog Walker Concord CA. We provide dog-walking, pet visits, pet taxi, and pet-sitting services with excellent, loving, personalized care. Volunteers are required to fill out, read and sign an application form and supporting documents. Printable dog walk client form, dog walk service dog information, dog walking service form, editable template at Canva, PDF ready to print. Dog walking and Pet sitting services in central Contra Costa County and select parts of El Dorado County in Northern California since 1990. By signing in or creating an account, some fields will auto-populate with your information. DOG WALKING INFORMATION SHEET: Please fill out one form for each dog so that we may provide the best care possible.