Call to meet the best pet sitter for your pets. We are Insured, Bonded and Licensed with years and years of dependable service.New Clients, Please complete before booking Dog Walking or Pet Sitting services in Contra Costa County and El Dorado County. Payments for travelling clients are processed on the day the assignment begins. With Google Forms and the Payable AddOn, you can quickly set up your service, book dog walking appointments, and start getting paid instantly. Volunteers are required to fill out, read and sign an application form and supporting documents. DOG WALKING INFORMATION SHEET: Please fill out one form for each dog so that we may provide the best care possible. Use this form to request pickup of a deceased animal located in the public right of way or on public property. You and your pet(s) must reside in Contra Costa County, California. The Owner is the actual owner of the Dog(s) listed in the terms of this. Agreement.