A dog walking contract should outline the dog walker's major responsibilities and the process for carrying those out. Cover every aspect of dog's care, from walks, vet visits, and medication schedules.This Handbook has information on Georgia landlord-tenant law as of the last revision date and may not be up to date on the law. OPTION B: Fill PDF form online. Sign up clients for your dog walking business with this easy Service Contract package which contains 3 forms. Tenants have the responsibility of reporting any repairs that need to be done, as outlined in the lease agreement. To avoid these potential consequences, landlords and tenants should consider using a Pet Addendum whenever pets are allowed in a rental property. A permission letter also gives your landlord time to mull over the idea, rather than feel pressured in person. A Lease Agreement is your roadmap for a successful landlord-tenant relationship. Our landlord is refusing to do a final inspection of the place we are renting with us present. Georgia.