These laws protect tenants and residents from discrimination on the basis of disability, as well as require landlords, property management companies, homeowner. Dogs and horses (any equine) are required to be licensed in the City of Los Angeles.License tags identify guardians of lost animals. Most service dog handlers dont even have paperwork. Yes, it is illegal for them to ask for it. Complete and submit the contract form below. It will be printed out and ready for your signature when you bring your dog to La-De-Da Pet Spa. A business owner legally deny service to a disabled person with a service dog if they just put up a sign saying that they don't allow service animals. To be considered a service animal, a dog must be individually trained to perform a job or task-specific to the handler's disability. To report a dangerous or loose animal, or to report animal cruelty please call 888-452-7381 to speak to your nearest Animal Services Center staff.