Maryland's service animal law applies to guide dogs, signal dogs, and other animals that are individually trained to perform tasks for people with disabilities. Three templates for service dog letters from healthcare professionals, covering the types of letters service dog users may legally need.American Service Pets helps tenants get the authorization needed for their qualified animal. See if you meet the criteria for a Maryland ESA letter today below. The Maryland Veterans Service Animal Program provides grants to service animal programs who train service dogs and who provide equine therapy to veterans. Describes dogs as pets, service animals, and emotional support animals and discusses what is known about the role of dogs in PTSD recovery. For Maryland residents, the first step to obtaining an ESA letter is to meet with a licensed mental health professional (LMHP) who can work in your state. Sign your application and drop it in the mail to Working Dogs For Vets. Then give it a few days and give us a call at 843-647-4357. Applicants are required to apply for grant funding through the Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs Service Animal Program Google Form Application.