Three templates for service dog letters from healthcare professionals, covering the types of letters service dog users may legally need. A dog walking contract should outline the dog walker's major responsibilities and the process for carrying those out.Cover every aspect of dog's care, from walks, vet visits, and medication schedules. A paper that people with animals come in that tells the difference between a service animal and an ESA, for example, and establishes rules. Some dog walker training programs will also provide sample contracts. This contract was developed specifically for dog walkers and includes the vital information you'll need to record for your dog-walking assignments. If my lease says two pets max but, I have two pets and I'm working on getting a service dog does that break the lease agreement? Fill out this form completely and clearly before your consultation appointment. Official Registered Service Dog Certificate And Service Dog Leash - Customized Certificate - Duplicate Copy - Five Service Dog Law Handout Cards. Complete this form to give Canine Companions some more information about you, your needs and what you're seeking in a service dog.