You can buy or renew a dog license at your local veterinarian's office, the Pet Adoption and Protection Center or any one of the 311 Service Centers. A completed Transfer of Ownership form is required if a dog or cat is being transferred to another county in Florida.Florida law and federal law prohibit discrimination against people with service dogs and provide some protections for those with emotional support animals. Once you're ready to adopt your new furry friend, we'll email you your adoption contract to fill out. This comprises Miami-Dade County, Florida's animal-related ordinances. Among the ordinances of note include a voluntary registration program for cats. I created this agreement for clients off Rover to sign before I provide care. Can you please read through this and provide some feedback? If you want to adopt a dog from Miami Animal Rescue, you will need to complete an application and once approved then you complete the adoption contract. Adoption appointments are suggested, but walk-ins are accepted on a space-available basis.