This service contract spells out services provided, limitations and information you'll need to know about the client's pet(s) and home care. Complete and submit the contract form below.It will be printed out and ready for your signature when you bring your dog to La-De-Da Pet Spa. Middlesex Centre contracts out the information technology services of the Municipality to the County of Middlesex. Learn about Service Agreements and see examples for your pet sitting or dog walking business. Create a professional pet care service agreement. A water service agreement is an agreement between a water supply resource owner and a water services provider that governs their working relationship. Middlesex Centre undertook a major revision of the content contained in the annual budget book in 2022 and continued refining the materials for this year. MIDDLESEX COUNTY BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES and. The client profile is designed for the client to fill out and is all about the client, or pet owner.