This lawyer-prepared packet contains: Instructions and Checklist; General Information; Dog Walking Services Agreement for use in Canada. Cover every aspect of dog's care, from walks, vet visits, and medication schedules.How do Professional Walkers work and the all important why? Find answers to the most frequently asked questions here. Luckily with Pawshake, it is really easy to connect with thousands of pet lovers and find a walker in Montgomery who is available and waiting to help you out. We have created this guide to help get you started with some of the most crucial items to include in your dog walking contract. A Dog Walking Agreement is a contract that governs the provision of dog walking services. If you're in the dog walking business, you need to keep track of all the laws and rules that every small business needs to know. Having a dog walker visit during the day is an affordable and great way to break up the day and make your dog's day more interesting.