(2) Permit a dangerous dog to go beyond the owner's real property unless the dog is leashed and muzzled or is otherwise securely restrained and muzzled. To voluntarily register your service animal, you must complete both pages of this application, obtain required signatures, and follow instructions.In North Carolina, service animals in training have the same rights as fully trained service animals. Owner-supplied equipment, including a collar, leash, and any other needed restraints, such as a muzzle. You need to include your pets in your family emergency plan and have an emergency kit for them too! If you need to evacuate, always take your pets with you. This information packet gives an overview of the laws protecting your right to use a service animal, advocacy tips, and legal references. The County of Pitt, in the State of North Carolina. GG. Veterinarian—A person licensed to practice veterinary medicine in the State of North Carolina. North Carolina Free Pet Sitting Contract.