Three templates for service dog letters from healthcare professionals, covering the types of letters service dog users may legally need. Complete the form below and we will review your information.A pet care agreement is a formal contract that defines the terms of pet-sitting services between the pet owner and the pet sitter. These statutes represent Pennsylvania's Dog Law, and contain provisions related to licensing, rabies quarantines, kennels, and the dangerous dog chapter. There is no product registration in Pennsylvania but we may require an applicant or licensee to provide labels for products to be distributed in the state. Are miniature horses subject to the same rules as service dogs under the ADA? A person is eligible for a service dog if they have a physical, emotional, or mental disability. "Company") and the undersigned Pet Parent set forth below ("Pet Parent"). 1. Aquatopia Indoor Waterpark located in the Poconos is only a two hour drive from New York City or Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. View directions here.